Series Description
Chemistry is a rapidly changing science. The lines that formerly were used to separate traditional disciples have disappeared or at least been blurred. New experimental techniques and theoretical approaches yield important results that cross discipline lines. This situation is not always reflected adequately in chemistry textbooks. There is a need for reviews on numerous topics in modern chemistry at an appropriate level for undergraduate and graduate students and those who teach them. The goal of the new series, Chemistry by Invitation, is to provide a collection of such timely and authoritative reviews that will be authored by specialists in the respective fields. The reviews will provide a basis for further study on the topics which span a wide range. It is hoped that the reviews in the Chemistry by Invitation series will increase the scope and usefulness of The Chemical Educator.
Series Editor

Chemistry by Invitation Series Editor J. E. House is Emeritus Professor of Chemistry at Illinois State University and Scholar in Residence and Adjunct Professor of Chemistry at Illinois Wesleyan University. He earned B.S. and M. A. degrees at Southern Illinois University and a Ph.D. at the University of Illinois. During his 32 years at Illinois State, he taught general chemistry at all levels, undergraduate and graduate courses in inorganic chemistry, and several advanced special topics courses. He is the author of 150 publications in refereed journals and several books dealing with chemical kinetics, quantum mechanics, and inorganic chemistry. He is also the Series Editor for Developments in Physical & Theoretical Chemistry, research-level volumes published by Elsevier and a member of the Editorial Board of The Chemical Educator.